
5 Questions Concerning Your Captive's Asset Allocation Model

April 4, 2018

Given recent changes in investment markets, captive insurers should take another look at their asset allocation models. A recent Strategic Asset Alliance presentation presents five potential shortcomings in assets allocation models and five key questions to ask your investment manager concerning their asset allocation model. Read More

5 Top Tips for Building a Board of Directors

February 28, 2018

The role of the board of directors has evolved over the last decade. Today's boards need to be more strategically focused. We offer some top tips for building your captive board from scratch or reinventing a board for a more mature captive. Read More

A View from the Cockpit: Systems and Controls of Good Captive Managers

February 19, 2018

Successfully managing a captive insurance company involves many functions, including financial accounting, corporate governance, underwriting and risk management, regulatory reporting, and overseeing the work of various service providers. Captive managers should have in place a system of organizational controls that provides accurate and thorough administration and reporting of these functions. Read More

Captive Insurer Boards and Blockchain Technology

February 7, 2018

Digital disruption takes on many forms, making it a formidable risk area to be added to any boardroom discussion. We summarize a recent article that appeared on the National Association of Corporate Directors website on why blockchain technology needs to be addressed by board members. Read More

2018 Musings on Captive Insurer Investments

January 24, 2018

What does 2018 have in store for captive insurer investments? We look at investment return assumptions and new accounting regulations. We also suggest some questions that should be raised by the captive board members concerning the investment portfolio. Read More

Healthcare Captive Insurance: Claims Opening the Door to the Future

January 23, 2018

Healthcare captive insurers underwriting medical professional and general liability for acute care facilities, physician practices, managed care organizations, and other healthcare services providers have a long history of managing and adjusting claims. In this article, Michael Maglaras discusses basic elements of a good internalized healthcare provider-owned captive claims management process. Read More

NACD Publishes "2018 Governance Outlook"

January 17, 2018

The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) released its white paper on the "2018 Governance Outlook." While the paper is targeted at board members of publicly traded corporations, several of the monographs are germane to the governance of captive insurers as well. We'll look at some of the highlights of interest to captives. Read More

Blockchain: Accessing Its Value

January 15, 2018

Many readers may be inclined to ignore blockchain concepts or defer consideration until clearer information and evidence are available. However, disregarding blockchain rather than actively understanding it could put an organization, including captive insurers, at a competitive disadvantage compared to others who move to embrace its full context. Read More