
Cyber-Risk Quantification Is Key for M&A Professionals

November 7, 2018

In the insurance industry, many of the practical details surrounding merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions are based on reasonably sound approaches with sufficient supporting data where advisers can estimate the value of a target entity. What is challenging to quantify is the impact a cyber event may have on a target's value. Read More

Risk Retention Groups: An Important Segment of the Captive Industry

October 3, 2018

Risk Retention Group (RRG) comprise only 3 percent of the roughly 7,000 captive insurers now operating. This relatively small number of RRGs hides the importance of this segment of the captive industry. Many RRGs are a vital source of coverage for hundreds-even thousands-of their policyholder-owners. Read More

Adverse Risk Selection May Affect Insurers That Do Not Innovate

September 28, 2018

A significant majority of insurers understand that innovation is increasingly becoming a differentiator in the global marketplace, according to an A.M. Best survey of its rated entities. Read More

Does Your Captive Suffer from Bad Directors?

September 26, 2018

Does your captive suffer from bad directors? What are the key characteristics of a bad director, and how do you address the issue? In this article, we look at the four attributes described in the National Association of Corporate Directors article "A Field Guide to Bad Directors" and how they relate to the captive insurance industry. Read More

US-EU Covered Agreement: an Overview

September 24, 2018

Eversheds Sutherland provides us with an overview of the US-EU covered agreement. The agreement will eliminate collateral and local presence requirements for qualified US reinsurers operating in the EU insurance market, and will eliminate the requirement for collateral for qualified EU reinsurers operating in the US insurance market. Read More

Small Captive Insurance Program Exit Planning

September 4, 2018

After two consecutive losses for taxpayers involved in small captive insurance programs, some may consider exiting their small captive insurance program. Exiting a captive, however, may be time consuming and expensive. Many captive owners will need to take into account numerous issues and make some difficult decisions. Read More

AI and Captive Insurance: What Does the Future Hold?

August 27, 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) and captives-what does the future hold? A look at current trends in the use of AI by financial services and specifically the insurance industry. We explore how these trends may affect different segments of the captive industry. Read More

Captive Insurers Should Review Their Risks at Least Every 5 Years

August 14, 2018

According to Karin Landry, a managing partner with Spring Consulting Group LLC in Boston, after captive insurance companies are set up, their parents should periodically review the risks their captives are covering. At a minimum, this assessment should be every 5 years and, in some cases, more frequently. Read More