
What Is Risk-Based Capital: A Primer for Captives

August 13, 2018

This primer for captive insurers on the concept of risk-based capital (RBC) describes the four basic components of RBC and how the components fit together to arrive at the ultimate ratio. Read More

Captive Basics: Understanding Liquidity

July 30, 2018

Captive board members should understand several key concepts. Chief among them is liquidity and how it impacts their captive. This article provides a basic primer on liquidity for both new and seasoned board members. Read More

Innovation and Productivity in Captive Insurers

July 25, 2018

Are captive insurers participating in the innovation and productivity changes reshaping the insurance industry? We discuss some recent trends and look at three key technologies impacting the insurance industry. Read More

What's Your Captive's Cyber-Security Risk Profile?

July 18, 2018

Cyber-security threats continue to grow. What's your captive's cyber-security risk profile? Developing a risk profile provides your captive with a clear illustration of the threats it faces and enables you to begin a proactive process to counter these risks. Read More

Parallel Cloud Computing: Making Massive Actuarial Risk Analysis Possible

July 16, 2018

Machine learning is spreading quickly across many industries, including the insurance sector with applications in actuarial analysis, and is showing promising results for making better predictions and automating manual tasks. Advances in cloud computing provide the ability to speed up the time it takes to do so. Read More

Parametric Coverage: A New Spin on an Old Product

July 9, 2018

Parametric coverage is not an indemnification product. Instead, with parametric coverage, a benefit payable is determined in advance of the policy purchase by estimating the loss as accurately as possible, subject to certain conditions being satisfied. The policy cost is based on a predetermined trigger. Read More

Data Analytics for Captive Insurers: Key Considerations

July 2, 2018

Data analytics and predictive modeling continue to evolve. Captive insurers are advised to understand the concepts and costs involved. Data analytics can help optimize the captive's risk appetite and risk portfolio. Read More

You Own a Captive Insurance Company, Now What?

June 25, 2018

It is important that new captive owners know what to expect from their captive manager to ensure the captive insurance company is running in a profitable manner and in full compliance with the chosen captive domicile's laws and regulations. Read More