Why Captive Investment Manager Due Diligence Matters
With the recent revelations concerning the issues at Guggenheim Partners and the New York state pension fund, captive insurers should consider how they conduct investment manager due diligence. Find out what precipitated the scandal and how captive insurers should consider conducting due diligence on money managers. Read More
Can the Black-Scholes Model Be Used for Captive Insurance Premiums?
Pinnacle Actuarial Resources' Derek Freihaut and Tim Mosler share their thoughts on the viability of applying a specific mathematical model, Black-Scholes, in estimating the maximum premium appropriate for a captive insurance company. Should the Black-Scholes pricing model be used to estimate captive insurance premiums? Read More
Captives in the Construction Industry
A recent Strategic Risk Solutions webinar explored the topic of alternative risk transfer and captives in the construction industry and examined construction industry trends and competitive landscape and insurance market challenges and solutions for insuring construction risk. Read More
Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) Defined
Most captive insurance company owners/directors have heard the terminology "special purpose vehicles" or "SPVs." However, many do not have a good working understanding of what these entities are. In this article, we provide a definition and identify several key attributes of SPVs. Read More
NAIC Proposed Insurance Data Security Model Law Explained
Eversheds Sutherland explains the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) proposed Insurance Data Security Model Law that tracks language from New York's regulation. In lieu of the New York regulation's specific and nuanced requirements, the proposed model law requires licensees to determine which controls listed in the law are appropriate for them. Read More
5 Key Attributes of Captive Managers
Captive managers are an integral part of any captive insurance program. But what are the key attributes that captive insurers and their owners should look for when evaluating and selecting a captive manager? Here are five for consideration. Read More
Captive Insurance Opportunities in the Transportation Industry
Recent years have been difficult for the commercial automobile insurance industry. Both frequency and severity have been escalating, while rate increases have not been sufficient to offset the climbing loss costs. Captive insurance and the alternative market can provide a flexible option for companies and groups as they respond to the industry's increasing market volatility. Read More
Accounting Rules Impact Captives Writing High Deductible Workers Comp Policies
Johnson Lambert recently released a new white paper on the revisions to Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles (SSAP) No. 65 regarding high deductible workers compensation policies. Any captive insurers using this type of policy need to be aware of the changes and their impact. Read More