
Business Interruption Insurance: A Basic Primer

May 30, 2018

A captive insurer should have business interruption coverage, as should its members. Editor John Foehl reviews basic questions for consideration when buying or providing coverage for business interruption insurance in this basic primer for captive insurers. Read More

3 Thoughts for Captive Boards and Management To Consider

May 23, 2018

Does your captive board practice strategic visioning or generative thinking as part of its normal meeting? Do you have trouble identifying topics to use in these discussions? Here are 3 thoughts that might warrant further exploration by your board and management team as part of this process. Read More

Why Cash Flow Is Key for Captive Insurers

May 17, 2018

Cash is king. This is especially true for captive insurers, since they typically have fewer margins for error. Captive board members should understand their captive's cash flow, so let's discuss some key areas for exploration and understanding. Read More

Inflation: Captive Insurers, Beware of What You Wish for

May 10, 2018

Beware of what you wish for-captive insurers are impacted by inflation in a number of ways, and the results are typically not good. The benign inflation of the past 5 years may have led captive insurers to become complacent. Here is why you need to reexamine your inflation risk mitigation strategy. Read More

Where Will the Captive Insurer Talent Come from?

May 3, 2018

The "MarketWatch" article "Job Openings Hit Record High at Start of 2018" shows how the war for talent is well under way. Captive insurers that have not started developing and implementing a strategy for recruiting new professionals face real impediments to finding new professionals to hire. Read More

Expected Adverse Development as a Measure of Risk Distribution

April 25, 2018

Risk distribution is a prerequisite for an insurance transaction to be deemed to have occurred and therefore achieve deductibility of premium for tax purposes. Captive owners seeking to determine whether their captive has sufficient risk distribution have a new methodology to consider in expected adverse development. Read More

Nevis as a Captive Domicile: An Insider's Perspective

April 23, 2018

Atlas Management provides an insider's point of view for those considering the Caribbean island of Nevis as an offshore captive domicile. As a captive domicile, Nevis has many advantages compared to other offshore jurisdictions says Atlas Management. Read More

Strategy and Risk: 5 Key Questions for Captive Insurers

April 18, 2018

One of the major roles that a captive insurer's board of directors fills is setting the correct strategy and risk profile for the entity. But many boards struggle with this responsibility. Our 5 key questions can help your board get a better understanding of how to deal with these issues. Read More