Vermont Captive Group Plans Webinar on Evaluating Captive Performance

A tan 12-inch ruler with black inch markers and the word BENCHMARK in white letters stretching to the end on white background

October 12, 2022 |

A tan 12-inch ruler with black inch markers and the word BENCHMARK in white letters stretching to the end on white background

The Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) will sponsor an online webinar November 16 in which captive experts will discuss various aspects of evaluating captives' financial performance.

Becky Aitchison, a captive insurance examiner at the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation (DFR), will discuss key ratios the DFR uses for the surveillance of captives' financial health.

Amy Angell, a principal and consulting actuary with Milliman, Inc., will review surplus levels as well as ways to evaluate whether risk management programs are aiding desired outcomes on loss experience.

William Piel, president of Opus Institutional Markets, will discuss establishing investment policies for captives.

The VCIA says one of the objectives of the webinar is to help captive sponsors initiate and implement methods to improve their captive's financial performance.

More information on the upcoming webinar, titled "Leveraging Performance Benchmarking for Captives," is available at the VCIA's website.

October 12, 2022