Captive Management

Healthcare Captive Insurance: Claims Opening the Door to the Future

January 23, 2018

Healthcare captive insurers underwriting medical professional and general liability for acute care facilities, physician practices, managed care organizations, and other healthcare services providers have a long history of managing and adjusting claims. In this article, Michael Maglaras discusses basic elements of a good internalized healthcare provider-owned captive claims management process. Read More

Catastrophic Loss Estimates: The Numbers Are Numbing

December 19, 2017

Following the series of natural catastrophes clustered around the third and early fourth quarters of 2017, insurers and reinsurers provided their initial estimates of the associated incurred losses and earnings impacts. The expectation is that the initial estimates will be restated, and most likely increased, as the assessments evolve. Read More

Non-NatCAT Insurance-Linked Securities: Identifying Opportunities

December 12, 2017

One of the most important market trends has been the rise in non-life insurance-linked securities (ILS) that transfer risks outside of the natural catastrophe space. Aaron Koch of Milliman provides an overview of "non-Nat-Cat" ILS market potential and offers his view on next steps. Read More

Assessing and Quantifying Cyber Security Exposure and Cyber Risk

December 9, 2017

As cyber attacks occur with increasing severity and frequency, cyber risk has emerged as a critical risk exposure. Furthermore, current and future regulation will require a reliable, evidence-based approach to risk assessment. In this article, Milliman outlines actionable steps for companies looking to assess and quantify their cyber exposure. Read More

How a Captive Insurer Can Drive Superior Cost of Risk Results

December 2, 2017

Captive insurers can be used to support both strategic and tactical risk management initiatives to drive superior cost of risk results. Some strategies include tangible costs, while others are intangible. Glenn Peterson of EWI Re identifies and discusses intangible issues that can become tangible, thereby adding to an organization's cost of risk. Read More