Captive Management

The Cayman Islands as a Captive Domicile: An Introduction

December 5, 2018

The Atlas Insurance Management team gives a first-hand view of the Cayman Islands experience as participants in the second-largest captive insurance jurisdiction in the world and a high-growth business environment, not just for captive insurance but for the whole universe of financial services, including large insurers. Read More

Key Criteria for Selecting a Captive Claims TPA

November 15, 2018

The claims handling function is a critical requirement for all captive insurers. The decision to outsource this operation to a third-party administrator (TPA) requires significant due diligence. We explore some of the key criteria to consider in selecting the right claims handling TPA firm. Read More

Cyber-Risk Quantification Is Key for M&A Professionals

November 7, 2018

In the insurance industry, many of the practical details surrounding merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions are based on reasonably sound approaches with sufficient supporting data where advisers can estimate the value of a target entity. What is challenging to quantify is the impact a cyber event may have on a target's value. Read More

US-EU Covered Agreement: an Overview

September 24, 2018

Eversheds Sutherland provides us with an overview of the US-EU covered agreement. The agreement will eliminate collateral and local presence requirements for qualified US reinsurers operating in the EU insurance market, and will eliminate the requirement for collateral for qualified EU reinsurers operating in the US insurance market. Read More

Small Captive Insurance Program Exit Planning

September 4, 2018

After two consecutive losses for taxpayers involved in small captive insurance programs, some may consider exiting their small captive insurance program. Exiting a captive, however, may be time consuming and expensive. Many captive owners will need to take into account numerous issues and make some difficult decisions. Read More