Captive Management

3 Modes of Planning: A Primer for Captives

February 5, 2020

This primer on one methodology for classifying the type of planning your captive may undertake explores three modes along with factors that influence planning. Read More

The Truth about Commercial Cyber-Risk Insurance

January 29, 2020

A captive insurance company could help small-to-midsized business owners mitigate cyber risk in a cost-effective and practical way. Read More

How To Move Your Captive Insurer to a Different Jurisdiction

December 19, 2019

Bruce Wright, partner at Eversheds Sutherland, explains the most common mechanism for moving a captive insurance company to a different jurisdiction. Read More

A Primer on Leader's Intent for Captive Insurers

December 16, 2019

What is leader's intent all about, and why does it have practical implications for captive insurance companies? This basic primer answers the what, why, and how of the leader's intent management technique. Read More

Agency Captives Offer Deeper Relationships and Better Insights

November 26, 2019

For an insurance agency, an agency captive can provide an opportunity to have "skin in the game" of its clients' coverage in exchange for a share of the premiums and investment income the client business generates. The benefits of an agency captive can extend beyond additional revenue streams, however. Read More