Captive Management

Insurance Landscape 2025—What's in It for Captive Insurance?

April 28, 2021

As the insurance market evolves, there may be upwards of $200 billion of new product development premium available. Where do captive insurance companies fit within this landscape, and how do they profitably maximize their participation? Read More

Once Again, Mother Nature Provides a Lesson in Probability

February 24, 2021

Sometimes Mother Nature provides an excellent lesson in probability. This past week, it was the catastrophic failure of the Texas power grid due to extreme cold weather. It is a reminder that captive insurance company managers and board members need to have a working knowledge of probability and statistics. Read More

Does Your Captive Insurance Company Use Forward-Looking Modeling?

February 15, 2021

Forward-looking models being used by insurers and reinsurers to better understand changing and increasing risks could benefit some captive insurance companies. In a hardening reinsurance market, captives whose management and boards are educated on the topic could have an advantage when meeting with underwriters. Read More

5 Questions for Captive Insurance Companies in 2021

January 20, 2021

With the beginning of a New Year, here are five questions captive insurance companies should consider as they survey the operating environment in 2021. Areas covered by the questions include reinsurance markets, investments, personnel, regulation, and strategy and planning. Read More

Considering the Impact of Risk and Pricing in New Product Development

September 28, 2020

There is likely to be a push by captive insurance company owners and policyholders to cover some of the risks uncovered by the pandemic. But risk and pricing are critical elements in product development, and captives need to ask if they can rate, price, and adjust these risks properly. Read More