Captive Management

Why Move Your Captive Insurance Company to a Different Jurisdiction

June 10, 2024

People often have an issue that causes them to consider moving their captive insurance company to a different jurisdiction, according to Bruce Wright. Read More

Once Again, Delaware Sees Tremendous Captive Growth

April 1, 2024

Delaware once again saw tremendous growth in new captive insurance company formations in 2023 with 43 captives licensed. Read More

Reinsurance Arbitration Clause Pitfalls for Captive Insurers

March 25, 2024

Almost every captive insurer purchases some type of reinsurance. The issuing reinsurer and the captive insurer enter the relationship with the best of intentions. But if disagreements happen, they will be subject to the reinsurance contract's arbitration clause, and captive insurers should seek to understand arbitration clause pitfalls. Read More

Captive Insurer Boards: Roles and Governance Guide

March 8, 2024

Setting up, owning, and managing a captive insurance company is a significant undertaking. This article aims to guide individuals assuming positions on a captive board. Read More

Montana Records Robust Captive Growth in 2023

February 2, 2024

Montana licensed 46 captive insurance companies in 2023, bringing its total captive count to 263. Read More