Captive Management

Actuarial Analysis: A Necessary Exercise with Many Potential Benefits

September 16, 2020

An actuarial analysis is typically required for companies that retain a significant dollar amount of insurance risk, usually through a self-insurance program or a large deductible program, according to Rachel Seale, consulting actuary with Milliman. The actuarial analysis can be useful when a company is considering using a captive insurance company. Read More

Key Facets of Captive Insurance Company Board Assessments

August 19, 2020

Board assessments can be valuable tools in improving the performance of captive insurance company boards. This article explores reasons why board assessments might be necessary for captive insurance companies, the benefits they can offer, and options for conducting them. Read More

Creating a Culture of Safety Is Critical for Reducing Accident Losses

August 5, 2020

As employers look to reduce losses due to employee accidents and injuries, making safety part of the organization's culture is essential. The value of making safety part of an organization's culture can be particularly apparent when companies move to captive insurance. Read More

Why Underwriting Discipline Is Critical for Captives

April 29, 2020

The current insurance climate makes it imperative that captive insurers practice some type of underwriting discipline. This article lays out the reasons for maintaining an underwriting profit and what it takes to do so. Read More

OECD Recognizes the Legitimacy of Captive Insurance

March 4, 2020

The captive chapter in a new Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report discusses the numerous business (nontax) reasons why a multinational enterprise group might use a captive insurance company to manage risks within the group while setting out indicators for genuine insurance business. Read More