Captive Management

Captive Insurers Should Review Their Risks at Least Every 5 Years

August 14, 2018

According to Karin Landry, a managing partner with Spring Consulting Group LLC in Boston, after captive insurance companies are set up, their parents should periodically review the risks their captives are covering. At a minimum, this assessment should be every 5 years and, in some cases, more frequently. Read More

What's Your Captive's Cyber-Security Risk Profile?

July 18, 2018

Cyber-security threats continue to grow. What's your captive's cyber-security risk profile? Developing a risk profile provides your captive with a clear illustration of the threats it faces and enables you to begin a proactive process to counter these risks. Read More

Nevis as a Captive Domicile: An Insider's Perspective

April 23, 2018

Atlas Management provides an insider's point of view for those considering the Caribbean island of Nevis as an offshore captive domicile. As a captive domicile, Nevis has many advantages compared to other offshore jurisdictions says Atlas Management. Read More

Strategy and Risk: 5 Key Questions for Captive Insurers

April 18, 2018

One of the major roles that a captive insurer's board of directors fills is setting the correct strategy and risk profile for the entity. But many boards struggle with this responsibility. Our 5 key questions can help your board get a better understanding of how to deal with these issues. Read More

A View from the Cockpit: Systems and Controls of Good Captive Managers

February 19, 2018

Successfully managing a captive insurance company involves many functions, including financial accounting, corporate governance, underwriting and risk management, regulatory reporting, and overseeing the work of various service providers. Captive managers should have in place a system of organizational controls that provides accurate and thorough administration and reporting of these functions. Read More