Montana Captive Insurance Regulator Steve Matthews To Retire

Silhouette of man with briefcase waving goodbye next to three-dimensional letters and reflection spelling out Happy Retirement

June 20, 2023 |

Silhouette of man with briefcase waving goodbye next to three-dimensional letters and reflection spelling out Happy Retirement

Steve Matthews, Montana's long-time top captive insurance regulator, will be retiring at the end of June.

Mr. Matthews, chief financial examiner and captive insurance coordinator in the Office of the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance, Montana State Auditor, has been in his position since 2005.

He has presided over significant growth in the number of Montana captives. In 2022 alone, Montana licensed 46 new captive insurance companies, bringing the domicile's total captive count to 268 at year's end.

So far in 2023, the state has licensed another 11 captive insurance companies, boosting Montana's captive count to 279.

A successor to Mr. Matthews will be named very soon.

June 20, 2023