Catastrophe Risks
CCRIF Collaboration Aims To Reduce Impact of Barbados Wildfires
CCRIF SPV is collaborating with the University of the West Indies (UWI) to reduce the impacts of wildfires on the people, communities, and economy of Barbados. This project is being implemented under a memorandum of understanding between UWI and CCRIF SPV that has been in place since 2010. Read More
Modeled Insured Annual Natural Catastrophe Loss Reaches New High
The global modeled average insured annual natural catastrophe loss has reached a new high of $133 billion, according to a new report from Verisk. In its 2023 Global Modeled Catastrophe Losses Report, Verisk suggested that an annual insured natural catastrophe loss topping $200 billion is plausible. Read More
Partnership Aims To Develop Insurance for Climate-Vulnerable Countries
Lloyd's, on behalf of the Sustainable Markets Initiative's Insurance Task Force, has entered into a partnership with the United Nations Capital Development Fund to scale insurance access for climate-vulnerable countries. The effort will initially focus on scaling solutions across Fiji and the Pacific Islands before expanding to other regions. Read More
Hurricane Idalia Insured Loss Estimated at $3 Billion to $5 Billion
Risk modeling firm Moody's RMS has estimated total private-market insured losses from Hurricane Idalia at between $3 billion and $5 billion, with a best estimate of $3.5 billion. The estimate represents insured losses resulting from wind, storm surge, and precipitation-induced flooding. Read More
Moody's RMS Estimates Maui Wildfire Insured Loss at Up to $4 Billion
Catastrophe risk modeling firm Moody's RMS has estimated economic losses from the Lahaina and Kula wildfires in Hawaii at $4 billion to $6 billion. Moody's RMS estimated that the burn footprints in Lahaina and Kula include insured property value ranging from $2.5 billion to $4 billion. Read More