Podcast Sheds Light on Using Captives To Tailor Insurance Solutions

Over-ear headphones glowing under light

November 07, 2023 |

Over-ear headphones glowing under light

The latest IRMI Podcast on the International Risk Management Institute's (IRMI) and Captive.com's Captive Podcasts page features Andy Hulme, executive vice president—director of underwriting at Strategic Risk Solutions (SRS), discussing tailoring insurance solutions using captive insurance.

The new podcast, titled "Unlocking Captive Insurance: Tailored Solutions and Expert Insights," will also provide insights into navigating the regulatory landscapes of captive insurance in the United Kingdom and Europe. The 27-minute podcast episode will provide valuable guidance on harnessing the full potential of an organization's captive insurance strategy. Contrary to a common misconception, captive insurance isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.

Over the course of the podcast, Mr. Hulme, a seasoned leader at Strategic Risk Solutions, will share perspectives gained from his insurance career that shed light on many of the challenges and misconceptions surrounding captive insurance. Among other things, Mr. Hulme will discuss the importance of stakeholder buy-in in a captive insurance program and the keys to long-term captive success.

November 07, 2023