Captive Videos

Why Move Your Captive Insurance Company to a Different Jurisdiction

June 10, 2024

People often have an issue that causes them to consider moving their captive insurance company to a different jurisdiction, according to Bruce Wright. Read More

Writing Third-Party Business in a Captive

May 28, 2024

The biggest advantage to writing third-party business through a captive insurance company is that it may provide a tax advantage. Read More

Captives and COVID-19 Exclusions

March 12, 2021

Captive insurance companies play a pivotal role in providing coverage where it is limited or unavailable in the market, and they are uniquely positioned to weather the storms caused by COVID-19 exclusions in casualty policies in the healthcare liability space. Read More

Do Captives Save Money

March 31, 2020

Do captives save money? The answer is yes and no. Read More

What To Expect from an Actuarial Analysis

March 31, 2020

An actuarial analysis is a great way to determine if your company would benefit from a captive. Read More