Captive Videos

Facilitating Enterprise Risk Management with Captives

February 17, 2016

John S. Alberici, of Alberici Corporation, explains that enterprise risk management addresses the long-term view of risks and exposures that can be initiated and managed naturally by a captive insurer's board. Read More

Taxation of Cell Captives

February 17, 2016

P. Bruce Wright of Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP discusses the evolution of cell captive insurance companies in this video. Mr. Wright touches on tax-deductibility aspects and general taxation aspects as well as some of the complexities surrounding onshore and offshore cell captive taxation. Read More

Tax-Deductibility of Captive Insurance Premiums

February 17, 2016

P. Bruce Wright of Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP explains what is required of an insurance contract in order for a captive to deduct its insurance premiums for tax purposes. Read More

Three Critical Success Factors for Group Captives

February 17, 2016

Michael J. O'Neill of ACIG names three critical factors needed for a group captive insurance company to succeed. Read More

Tips for Group Captive Success

February 17, 2016

Michael J. O'Neill of ACIG discusses the importance of group captive members effectively handling their safety, quality, and document maintenance and retention programs and offers some strategies toward achieving these goals. Read More