Captive Videos

Use Consultants When Considering Captives

February 17, 2016

Joining a captive insurance company is a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration. In this video, Michael J. O'Neill of ACIG advises organizations to involve an unbiased and thorough professional captive insurance consultant when reviewing all elements of the captive insurance company under consideration. Read More

Why Is Tax-Deductibility of Captive Premiums Important

February 17, 2016

Tax-deductibility of premiums is a key issue for captive insurance companies, and in this video P. Bruce Wright of Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP discusses how timing is the key factor in this equation. Read More

Captive Insurance Risk Pooling Explained

According to Bruce Wright of Eversheds Sutherland, risk pools in captives (1) allow organizations to spread risk and (2) provide for a tax benefit. Read More

Captive Insurance and Sexual Misconduct

Michael Maglaras, principal of Michael Maglaras & Company, discusses captive insurance and sexual misconduct. Read More