Captive HR

The Emotional Intelligence Competencies of an Effective Leader

August 16, 2017

Understanding the difference between leading and managing is understanding the difference between winning and losing in cutthroat markets. Pure managers make the system work, but leaders make things happen. They make the people around them better. Effective leaders should pay attention to and work to master key emotional intelligence competencies. Read More

Healthcare Liability Captives a Significant Segment of the Captive Industry

August 7, 2017

Healthcare liability captive insurers represent a significant segment of the captive industry and are becoming even more so under accountable care, says Michael Maglaras, principal at Michael Maglaras & Company, in this video on healthcare liability captives. Read More

Healthcare Liability Captives Play a Role in Improving Patient Care

August 7, 2017

Healthcare liability captives, according to Michael Maglaras, principal at Michael Maglaras & Company, contain millions of dollars of paid claims data that will translate into improved margins and quality improvements directly related to the mistakes of the past. Read More

Accountable Care Rollout Creates Special Demands on Medical Professional Liability Captives

August 7, 2017

Healthcare liability captives will be on the forefront of improving quality and outcomes under accountable care, requiring expanded budgets that integrate more service providers, consulting assistance, and software. Read More

Accountable Care's Effect on Medical Professional Liability

August 7, 2017

Michael Maglaras, principal at Michael Maglaras & Company, discusses how accountable care is resulting in the marriage between claims activity and quality. Healthcare captives mine their claims data to instruct quality improvement and, most significantly, how this is key to managing reputational risk. Read More