Captive HR

Employee Benefits in Captives: The Basics

September 21, 2023

A small but growing number of employers are tapping their captive insurance companies to fund employee benefit risks with a goal of reducing costs. This article reviews the basics, including the main drivers and the US Department of Labor approval process. Read More

Everyone Quits, and It's OK

February 24, 2020

We focus a lot on the importance of retaining top employees. It reduces cost, increases productivity, builds trust and camaraderie-and the list goes on. However, we rarely discuss the elephant in the room: everyone eventually quits, even your best employee. Read More

Understanding the Competencies of the Optimal Remote Worker

October 7, 2019

One of the biggest organizational challenges companies must solve in today's work environment is team building. This can become particularly difficult in businesses that hire remote workers. Read about a proven interview method that will help your company discover the core competencies that make up the optimal remote worker. Read More

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Why It Matters More Than Personality

September 25, 2019

Emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) is more than just a term used frequently in human resources departments and executive boardrooms. Understanding what EQ is and how it differs from personality can improve your hiring practices and impact your workplace bottom line. Read More

Clear Up Blind Spots with Behavioral Interview Questions

April 23, 2019

Traditional interviews when recruiting new employees leave companies susceptible to blind spots because they rely on hypothetical or subjective opinions. This creates the risk of hiring the wrong candidate. However, a behavioral interview will unlock reliable and measurable information about each candidate in order to hire the best fit. Read More