Finance, Investments, and Accounting
Uncertain Times Squared: The Future of Investing for Insurers
What new ideas, technologies, and ways of conducting our lives do we see impacting our economy and financial markets? The future of investing for insurers, in the next 7-10 years, will see artificial intelligence and especially machine learning having a very pronounced impact on our careers, companies, and daily life. Read More
831(b) Micro-Captive Challenges
Currently, there is great uncertainty as to how the Internal Revenue Service's challenges to micro-captives will be resolved. With this in mind, a panel of captive insurance experts discussed ways to mitigate the challenges during last month's 2017 World Captive Forum. Read More
When Are Premiums Paid to a Captive Insurance Company Deductible for Federal Income Tax Purposes?
Generally, premiums paid for insurance are deductible for federal income tax purposes in the year paid if the policy is an annual policy and are amortized over the policy period for a multiyear policy. In addressing the question of when premiums paid to a captive insurance company are deductible for federal income tax purposes, the key determination is whether the coverage provided by the captive will be respected as insurance for federal income tax purposes. A number of factors need to be taken into account when making that determination. Read More
Comparing the Performance of Your Investment Manager
How does one know whether his or her portfolio has been performing well compared to those of other investment managers? Alton Cogert, president and chief executive officer of Strategic Asset Alliance, recently posted a blog on the Strategic Asset Alliance website discussing the use of statistics to gauge the past risk adjusted performance of a portfolio versus its future performance. Read More
Taxation of 831(b) Microcaptives and IRS Concerns
In this video, P. Bruce Wright of Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP addresses the special taxation case of micro-captive insurance companies. Section 831(b) of the Internal Revenue Code applies to insurance companies with less than $2.2 million in net premium. Read More