Finance, Investments, and Accounting

State and Local Income Tax Issues and Captive Insurance

February 11, 2019

State and local income taxes are an evolving issue that concerns captive insurers and that some states are challenging as they look for revenue. Read More

Reserve Mechanical Contemplation and Further Discussion

January 31, 2019

Alan Fine of Brown Smith Wallace contemplates the conclusions reached and supporting rationale used by the US Tax Court in the second small captive case, "Reserve Mechanical Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue," and believes there are a few areas that continue to warrant discussion. Read More

Inflation: Captive Insurers, Beware of What You Wish for

May 10, 2018

Beware of what you wish for-captive insurers are impacted by inflation in a number of ways, and the results are typically not good. The benign inflation of the past 5 years may have led captive insurers to become complacent. Here is why you need to reexamine your inflation risk mitigation strategy. Read More

Expected Adverse Development as a Measure of Risk Distribution

April 25, 2018

Risk distribution is a prerequisite for an insurance transaction to be deemed to have occurred and therefore achieve deductibility of premium for tax purposes. Captive owners seeking to determine whether their captive has sufficient risk distribution have a new methodology to consider in expected adverse development. Read More

5 Questions Concerning Your Captive's Asset Allocation Model

April 4, 2018

Given recent changes in investment markets, captive insurers should take another look at their asset allocation models. A recent Strategic Asset Alliance presentation presents five potential shortcomings in assets allocation models and five key questions to ask your investment manager concerning their asset allocation model. Read More