Corporate Governance

Do Your Mental Models Need Updating?

November 18, 2020

Rapid and profound change requires us to reexamine our mental models. This is true for everyone, including captive owners, board members, and managers. Here are some ideas and suggestions for those interested in updating their mental models. Read More

Key Facets of Captive Insurance Company Board Assessments

August 19, 2020

Board assessments can be valuable tools in improving the performance of captive insurance company boards. This article explores reasons why board assessments might be necessary for captive insurance companies, the benefits they can offer, and options for conducting them. Read More

Why Your Captive Insurance Company Board Needs To Be Actuarially Sound

July 27, 2020

In today's environment, it's imperative that a captive insurance company board, or at least a number of board members, be actuarially sound. Take a look at what captive board members should know about actuarial analysis and why as well as actuarial terms board members should understand. Read More

How Numerate Is Your Board? The Case for Captive Board Numeracy

June 3, 2020

What is "numeracy," and why is it an important attribute for captive board members to have? This article examines numeracy, innumeracy, and relevant examples-with a specific look at insurance. Read More

New Guide Emphasizes Importance of Independent Directors for Captives

June 7, 2019

While not legally required in every captive domicile, having an independent board of directors can serve several important roles for captive insurance companies, according to a new analysis. Read More