
Direct Placement Tax Decision from the Tax Court of New Jersey

June 22, 2018

The Tax Court of New Jersey recently rendered an interesting decision regarding direct placement taxes. Eversheds Sutherland discusses Johnson & Johnson v. Director, Division of Taxation and Commissioner, Department of Banking and Insurance. Read More

Tax Court Issues Second Small Insurance Company Case

June 21, 2018

On June 18, 2018, the US Tax Court issued its opinion in Reserve Mechanical Corp. v. Commissioner, holding for the IRS. Eversheds Sutherland says that the facts of the case appear substantially similar to LTR 201609008, issued by the IRS in 2016. Read More

US Tax Court Finds Deficiencies in "Reserve Mechanical" Captive Arrangement

June 19, 2018

In a new opinion, the US tax court found that Reserve Mechanical Corp., a captive insurer incorporated in Anguilla and owned by Peak Casualty Holdings, LLC, failed to qualify as an insurance company for federal income tax purposes under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(15). Read More

Will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Affect Small Captive Insurance Companies?

February 16, 2018

The end of 2017 delivered uncertain tidings concerning what effect the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would have on the captive insurance industry. While the law affects larger captive insurers, changes are less significant for smaller captives. Management Services International provides its view on the tax law and small captive insurance companies. Read More

Captive Insurers and the Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax

January 26, 2018

The Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax imposes a 10 percent minimum tax on corporate US taxpayers. Premium payments made by US taxpayers to their non-US captive insurers and loss payments made by US captive insurers to their non-US insureds are among the amounts characterized as base erosion payments. Read More